Spokes Update v1.4.6

Published at June 10, 2024 ·  5 min read

We’re pleased to announce Spokes v1.4.6. This release add new features and fixes some small bugs. Get the release! You can download the RPM here. Our container is available at our packetriot repo and now the Terrapin Labs repo as well. docker pull packetriot/spokes:1.4.6 # alternatively docker pull terrapinlabs/spokes:1.4.6 External Database Support Spokes has used SQLite as it’s backend database since the beginning and we made that choice in it’s design so that we can reduce dependencies to zero and make deployment easier and faster....

Client Update v0.15.3

Published at March 27, 2024 ·  2 min read

We’re pleased to announce v0.15.3 of the Packetriot client! This release fixes some minor bugs and adds support for connectivity and network monitoring on the client-side, and automatically recreating a tunnel session when changes or failures are detected. The Packetriot client now natively supports macOS ARM 64-bit builds for M1-M3 processors. The updates are on our downloads page and apt and yum repositories. Networking Monitoring This new version of the Packetriot client now supports network change and uptime monitoring....

Spokes Update v1.4.5

Published at February 8, 2024 ·  16 min read

We’re pleased to announce Spokes v1.4.5. This release has been under development for several months and introduces a lot of new functionality. Along its development we discovered room for optimizations and bug fixes that improve performance and memory utilization. Get the Release! You can download the RPM here. Our container is available at our packetriot repo and now the Terrapin Labs repo as well. docker pull packetriot/spokes:1.4.5 # alternatively docker pull terrapinlabs/spokes:1....

Spokes Update v1.4.4

Published at August 25, 2023 ·  2 min read

We’re pleased to announce Spokes v1.4.4. This minor release introduces small improvements to the dashboard UI and some optimizations under the hood. Dashboard In our last release, we added the ability to set up and use an ACME provider like ZeroSSL. This feature was only configured using environment variables during container instantiation or manually updating the configuration. In this release, we’ve updated the Server settings page to allow an ACME provider to be set up from the UI....