Introduction to Packetriot

Published at April 8, 2019 ·  7 min read

Packetriot can take any HTTP or TCP service, on any network, particularly private ones, and expose it to the rest of the Internet. Developers that create applications want to share them, and with Packetriot they can enjoy lower costs, increased portability and productivity. For technology enthusiasts that want to self-host their own services, their costs are reduced. Network configuration is simplified. Most importantly, their data is stored on their computers....

Hello World

Published at April 1, 2019 ·  1 min read

Welcome to our blog! We’ll be sharing new content that we create that will help demonstrate how to use Packetriot to serve applications you’re building, or services that you want to host locally on your own compute equipment. We’re excited about sharing all the ways you can use Packetriot to expose your code or data to the Internet. Stay tuned!...