Client Update v0.10.1

Published at October 27, 2020 ·  2 min read

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The v0.10.1 release includes some small UIX improvements.

Host Headers

We’ve add the --host-header and --redirect flags to both the pktriot http and pktriot inspect commands. These flags are available normally in the persistent traffic pktriot tunnel http command.

Thanks to users for letting us know you wanted these flags and features in our instant HTTP hosting and inspector. It was always our intention to add it but reaching out to let us know helped us accelerate this.

Let’s Encrypt

We now perform a check to verify that DNS records for domains used in HTTPS traffic rules are setup correctly. These checks are performed each time the client is run. We’re looking to make them more periodic, especially once we verify they were setup correctly once.

This should help those that have issues diagnose them more quickly.

This check will not prevent the client from requesting traffic in rules that intend to request a certificate from Lets’ Encrypt. Our goal is to help inform users that DNS is not setup right, not necessary prevent any throttling that may occur when they are not and repeated requests fail.

Secure Redirect

Our client is biased toward enable HTTPS and redirecting insecure, plain-text, HTTP requests to HTTPS. However, we had a corner case where if a user did not include any TLS options in the pktriot tunnel http add command the client would still attempt to redirect to HTTPS.

This caused some issues in configurations that wanted to only use HTTP. We now provide a warning that HTTPS won’t be used and secure redirect will be turned off.


Some of the features originated from user requests, thanks for reaching us and letting us know how we can do better.

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Please report any issues to our support email.
