Spokes v1.2.2

Published at June 13, 2021 ·  2 min read

Revision v1.2.2 is a bug fix release. You can find updates on Packetriot.com, via our Linux package repos and Docker Hub. Chrome Browsers The server configuration page in the Spokes Dashboard had issues with form submissions for Chrome-based browsers. When users attempted to make changes in the Tunnel or Proxies configuration options, the browser would fail to submit them. The root cause is this different behavior when you have multiple forms on a page and use <button> as the mechanism to submit the form....

Spokes v1.2.1

Published at June 3, 2021 ·  6 min read

Release v1.2.1 introduces a built-in SOCKSv5 server. SOCKS is a simple protocol for relaying a TCP or UDP request to a destination server. It’s typically used to navigate traffic through a firewall. To summarize the protocol: a SOCKS server will receive a connection from a client and a request to connect to a host. The request includes the protocol (TCP or UDP), a destination, either a hostname or IP address, and the port for that host....

Spokes v1.2.0

Published at May 10, 2021 ·  5 min read

Release v1.2.0 introduce Webhook events and updates to the dashboard to allow more administration and configuration through the web-bases UI. You can now completely configure Spokes and manage users, tokens, tunnels and more in the Spokes dashboard! In addition, we’ve added service checks for the upstream application that are hosted behind tunnels. HTTP/S and TCP applications can be checked by Spokes to determine if the upstream service is running and accessible....

Client Update v0.10.9

Published at May 10, 2021 ·  2 min read

In this new version of the client, v0.10.9, we’ve made several updates to allow the client to integrate better with Spokes servers. Service Health Checks Added a new API endpoint to the internal client API to allow the Spokes server to check the availability of the upstream services hosted behind tunnels. The checks are implemented using a HEAD request for HTTP-based services and a simple open TCP connection for others. The backend availability to returned to the Spokes server....